Certifying Facilitators
of Corporate Quality Management
We are ready to support your company in the implementation of ISO standards.
You can count on CFG to escalate to the next level and achieve QUALITY, ENVIRONMENTAL management and standardization of BEHAVIORS, decreasing the level of risk throughout your organization.
CFGCE – Enterprise Quality Management Consultants and Facilitators
We are an organization that provides advice, consulting, training and support to companies in different economic sectors, nationally and internationally, to design, implement, strengthen, maintain and improve integrated management systems.
Call Now : +57 (313) 780 9722
W/sapp: +1 (204) 291-7266 (solo w/app)


Portfolio ISO
Now you can count on our human talent to develop the best ISO Standards implementation plan adjusted to the real needs of your company. We are the strategic alliance that cares about giving continuity to your business. Contact us to analyze your company’s work plans and internal strategies.

The audits are always invaluable to our clients that we are advising and monitoring the different projects and always reminding them to be attentive to the plan of action developments to improve and keep up to date with the points of compliance with the development of their business objectives.

In the health sector we have extensive knowledge of the standards and updates that always impact all new and existing projects in the health sector, so we offer support to all health entities that require this compliance and local affectation in Colombia.

In CFG S.A.S., we organize, plan and develop trainings that we establish with each company in particular, this to develop a customized plan for each of them and thus facilitate the understanding of the company’s business and integrate the administrative and operational profiles.

CFG SAS has professionals with training and extensive experience in public administration, especially in the modernization of state companies that have become an example of public management for its quality and efficiency. Contact us now and check it out.
We perform audits
ISO 9001
ISO 14001
ISO 45001
ISO 27000
ISO 28000
Contact Us!!

ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management
Sí podemos apoyarte en la certificación de las normas ISO!
ISO standards oriented to the organization and order in the management of the company, is one of our strengths that is always available to you at CFG.
ISO 9000:2015 specifies the terms and definitions that apply to all quality management and quality management system standards developed under ISO/TC 176.
Fundamentos principales de la ISO 9000 de Los Estándares de Calidad
La norma ISO 9000:2015 describe los conceptos y principios fundamentales de la gestión de la calidad que son universalmente aplicables:
- Organizations seeking confidence in their supply chain to meet product and service requirements
- Organizations looking for confidence in their supply chain to meet their product and service requirements
- Organizations and stakeholders seeking to improve communication through a common understanding of the vocabulary used in quality management.
- organizations performing assessments of conformity with ISO 9001 requirements providers of quality management training, assessment or consulting services developers of related standards.
ISO 14001: 2015 Environmental Management
ISO 14001: 2015
Environmental Management System
This is the international standard that allows companies to demonstrate their commitment to environmental protection through the management of environmental risks associated with their activities.
¿Why is Important the ISO 14001?
An environmental management system such as ISO 14001 is increasingly important as we move into a new decade in which concern for the environment and minimizing our impact on the Earth will be key pillars. From the outset, certifying your organization’s operations with a system such as ISO 14001 illustrates to your customers, suppliers and external stakeholders that you are committed to being an environmentally sustainable organization, which can inspire both increased sales and overcome regulatory barriers to entry for certain projects.
It is important because, as we move into the 21st century, regulators and customers alike are increasingly demanding that the organization they buy from or work with takes environmental impact into account. Without an environmental management system in place, you risk losing customers to competitors who see the value in showing their customers that they are certified to an internationally recognized framework such as ISO 14001.

ISO 45001:2018 SGSST
ISO 45001: 2018
Occupational Health and Safety Management System – OSHMS
ISO 45001 is the international standard for occupational health and safety management systems, designed to protect workers and visitors from occupational accidents and illnesses.
¿Why is ISO 45001:2018 certification important?
Implementar y desarrollar el sistema de Gestión es de una alta importancia para las organizaciones, pero es mucho más importante alcanzar las certificaciones correspondientes y que son evaluadas por un tercero certificado y con esto lograríamos la Certificación SGSST o ISO 45001.
¿What is ISO 45001 Certification Good For?
This certification is the support for the company that assumes the commitment to provide an area for workers where the risks of illnesses and injuries are minimized as much as possible and maintaining the highest quality standards, for its workers, suppliers, contractors and even for its customers and visitors.
By being evaluated by an authorized and independent third party, our Occupational Health and Safety Management System, the result indicates that it is no longer our own internal evaluation and by achieving this certification we will have a commitment from top management and throughout the organization.
Certification means that our Management System is endorsed by an authorized and independent third party, which means that its effectiveness is no longer the result of a self-assessment. Now, everyone knows that the organization has an OSHMS that has been verified and meets all the requirements of ISO 45001.
Of course, these changes will be reflected in the following way:
- Leadership of the organization in caring for its employees, customers and suppliers.
- Outstanding and attractive employer for employee retention
- Improved and safe work environment, minimizing occupational risks
- To comply with international standards by positively increasing our presence in foreign markets.

ISO 27001:2015 SGSI
Information Security Management System
It refers to security and confidentiality of information, according to new developments and improvements in information systems, security qualities are constantly changing, therefore ISO 27001 is an international standard that allows the assurance, confidentiality and integrity of data and information, as well as the systems that process it.
This standard allows the evaluation of risk and the application of controls to mitigate or eliminate them, this standard is complemented by a standard that applies good practices, ISO 27002.
Why Implement ISO 27001?
And ISO 27001 has been adopted by many organizations around the world, in both public and private entities, and established a systematic approach to information management, so that information is kept secure, truthful, available and protected, covering all processes of a company.
¿What is the purpose of ISO 27001?
ISO 27001 establishes rules and requirements for implementing, maintaining and improving Information Security Management Systems. These management systems are becoming increasingly common in companies due to the changing digital risks inherent in information technologies.
Advantages of implementing ISO 27001?
The main advantage of its implementation is to guarantee that all the information managed by the company is protected, avoiding information leaks, keeping the company’s databases and processes secure, minimizing risks that may alter and avoid losses and establishing permanent secure alternatives for this great asset of the companies.
ISO 28000: SCM Supply Chain management
Supply chain safety management system
It is more focused on the logistics area, not only with the excellent treatment to the food chain but also to the management of other products around the negotiations. This standard establishes guidelines to control risk and minimize any probability of product lo
Organizations certified to this standard have advantages over their competitors, as this standard allows certification.
Benefits of implementing the standard
Some of the benefits of implementing this standard:
Risk reduction, giving compliance with the requirements of international safety standards.
Improved quality in product management processes.
Improved standards related to transportation and administration of import and export documents.
Customs handling and international trade

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✆ Celular: +57 (313) 780 9722
Whatsapp: +1 (204) 291-7266